Thursday, May 8, 2008

"I'm a Fast Runner"

The last few days Seth has learned some new "tricks". He loves to "speak whale" into the exhaust pipe of grandpas truck, I guess hoping something/someone will come out of it. The only thing he really gets out of it is a big black ring around his face!

He also learned that although he can't go on the road, running through the tree farm is a perfect way to get to the neighbors house and the best part is, nobody will know! I spent about 20 minutes walking around outside trying to look for him yesterday, only to find him hanging out with the chickens at the neighbors house. He took one look at me and started running back towards our house, yelling back at me, "Mom, I'm a fast runner!"


Bev said...

Cute pictures. I'm so glad you got this started! I love hearing all of Seth's funny stories!

Noelle said...

What a cutie! I can't even believe he's almost 3! I'm glad you've joined the blogging world!

The Howell family said...

He used to pop in on us once in awhile too, when we used to live up the road. The funniest was when him and Jess showed up and my husband found them (and two cats) out in the backyard playing. We asked them if they had been there before and they said they liked our swings and cat. You have your hands full with that one. We are loving Texas. It's HOT down here but everyone is happy here. Miss the family and the pigs and chickens in Blanding too.
Heather Howell